Blog Collection

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Authentic Self

I have been tagged by my pretty Sarah and must say that I was in awe of her blog on her authentic self. Your authentic self is explained to be the moments when a person is at peace, is not being judged by another or even god and may even be completely self-unaware. A time when a person is simply existing as themselves without push or pull. A feeling that what ever it is that a person is doing at that time is what they were meant to be doing, like the color of your eyes and the inability you have to change that fact about yourself. (I took your explanation friend- but it was so good!)
When I first thought of my authentic self, I thought about the beach. I thought about the emotional peace I recieve when on a beach. Taken in by the sound of the waves and the feel of the sand.

The second part of me I thought of as my authentic self is when I am with children. The overwhelming acceptance kids give is only natural for them and it is such an awesome part of my life. I am so self-unaware when I am with kids, I am so in awe of them and their existence. They are so perfect and have no idea.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So true Bear! I can see this. I love this post, glad you did it.