My sweet Toby. It has been one year since the worst day of life. The day that
I knew he wasn't coming back through the door after running outside to chase whatever it was he always chased. He loved to run, to follow his nose, to ignore everything around him and follow the scent he caught. He was never good off the leash. There were so many times I found myself running down Beaver St. towards the busy Route 66, but he always seemed to dodge the cars. On October 9th 2007 he decided he was not finished outside and took off out the door. Sadly he was struck by a car. A car that did not stop to see if he was ok. When we arrived to the scene of his accident no one was there. Hit and run. Poor pup. After almost getting hit myself, Michael walked out in to traffic to pick up his limp body and brought him to the curb so I could say goodbye. We barried him in Prescott, next to Magic kitty. He loved Prescott, he loved the freedom to just "be" out there. He belongs there. We miss you Tob-a-lobe, Toby One, Tobers, Tobes... you are remembered always.